It is not easy to anticipate precisely what will be needed in the coming days, weeks, and months. But right now, we have the following specific needs:
Medicines: families are arriving with a limited supply of their prescription medicines and basic pharmaceuticals.
Food: the Center at Zakosciele is providing three meals a day for every person.
Transportation: bus rentals, gas, and vehicle maintenance. The immediate need is for trips to the border, but we will also need this as we meet the daily needs of our guests and help with their transition.
Industrial washer and dryer: the Center is Zakosciele needs a way to wash and dry towels, sheets, blankets, and guests’ clothes.
Housing items: again, we are working to get as many donations as possible from people and businesses in Poland. We will need finances to purchase what is not donated. This could include beds, mattresses, dishes, etc.
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